All parishioners are invited to get involved with our Apple Pie fundraiser.
We are planning to make 250 pies, and sell them to raise funds for our parish family programs. We are inviting you to offer a few hours of your time over the weekend of November 1st to 3rd…
Friday evening at the Knights of Columbus Hall we will get together to slice up and prepare the apples. Saturday we will make the crust and put the pies together.
Sunday is pick-up day and we will need people to collect money and distribute pies.
NO baking experience is needed, jobs will be assigned and we will all work together as a parish family and have fun while we make the pies. There will be a sign-up sheet at the back of the church for volunteers, or see Allison, Vicki or Ellen…If you are unable to join in, we are also asking for donations of supplies. There will be a list at the back of the church, and you can sign up and bring your supplies to the churches or the parish office, over the next month. We will be selling the pies using a Facebook event…see the Parish Facebook Page and leave your order as a comment… there will also be a sign-up sheet at the back of the churches or you can leave your order with the office. Thank you for supporting this event, and being a part of a parish community.